Rearview/ Rétroviseur

This tapestry comes from a vision I had in my rearview a few months ago, while driving back home. I realize that this title may also illustrate my current situation, newly retired and looking back at my achievements.
Anyway, this moment was weird and beautiful in the sunset, and I decided to weave a tapestry out of it. I took quickly a bad picture, with impatient cars behind me.
I made a cartoon, and samples because I feared the circles of the stop signs. How right was I! My circles are not round, and after 4 tentatives, I gave up and accepted my failure. Another difficulty was the blending for the sky. I redid it five times, and I am now quite satisfied.
So, in the end, this tapestry is not technically satisfying, but I like it because it captures the strangeness of this image in the rearview.

Cette tapisserie vient d’une image captée dans mon rétroviseur un soir en rentrant chez moi. Je me rends compte que ce titre peut aussi évoquer ce moment de ma vie où je prends ma retraite et je fais des bilans. En tous cas, ce moment était superbe et bizarre, et j’ai décidé d’en faire une tapisserie, j’ai vite pris une mauvaise photo, avec les voitures qui s’impatientaient derrière moi.
J’ai fait un carton, et des essais, car je craignais les cercles des sens interdit. Comme j’avais raison! Mes panneaux ne sont pas ronds, mais au bout de 4 tentatives j’ai lâché l’affaire et accepté mon échec. Il y avait une autre difficulté, le dégradé du soleil couchant, je l’ai refait cinq fois, et j’en suis maintenant assez satisfaite.
Au bout du compte, cette tapisserie est moyenne techniquement, mais je l’aime bien car j’ai réussi à capturer l’étrangeté de cette image dans le rétroviseur.

2 thoughts on “Rearview/ Rétroviseur

  1. Your Rearview is just great! It do capture a kind of strangerness! The circle on the left is quite perfect, the one on the right is slightly crushed, just like the sun at the sunset. I bet you did it on purpose, didn’t you ?


  2. I had just “met” you (in a Zoom about tapestry) shortly after you started this piece. I saw it while it was still in progress and then again when you finished it and I have to say that I never noticed the lack of perfect roundness. Instead I was quite impressed with the overall composition and how evocative it is of that stolen moment of beauty we experience while driving or otherwise occupied. I often think of this piece as a way to remember that art can be about the moment.


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